The association is an active member of the Food Industry FSMA 204 Collaboration, committed to enhancing industry-wide awareness of section 204 of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. FSMA Rule 204 mandates a comprehensive tracking and tracing system for certain high-risk foods. This applies across the entire farm-to-consumer supply chain. 

We have experts on FSMA 204 speak at our events and offer these resources to help you prepare for implementation of the rule in January 2026.

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Focus on FSMA
Webinar Series

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FSMA 204

Review :
Presidents Conference
FSMA 204

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Marketing & Sales
FSMA 204

FSMA 204 Resources from GS1

FSMA 204 Collaboration

Webinar Recording: FSMA Rule 204 Released: Are You Prepared?

The FDA has now finalized the FSMA 204 Rule which mandates additional traceability record-keeping requirements for certain foods. PLM Trustlink discusses who must comply with this rule, by when, and what's the easiest way to produce the required...

FSMA 204: Get Ready!

The new FDA requirement, FSMA 204, mandates that by January 2026, companies involved in the food supply chain must maintain detailed records of food traceability to improve food safety and expedite the response to foodborne illness outbreaks.

Eight Leading Organizations Form Collaboration To Tackle Food Industry's FSMA Rule 204 Challenges

IFMA has joined seven other leading organizations to form the "Food Industry FSMA 204 Collaboration." Together, we’re tackling the challenges of FSMA Rule 204 to enhance food safety across the entire supply chain.