“The greatest value of being on an IFMA committee is sense of community. Even bigger than that from a business perspective, it’s diversity in thought and opinion. Even though most companies have similar challenges, they come at it from different angles and it opens your mind and broadens your thinking.”

SVP Foodservice

Tyson Foods, Inc.

Committees are the backbone of IFMA The Food Away from Home Association, shaping the conversation and providing solutions in the areas that matter most to our members. They are central to collecting and facilitating knowledge and insights that set change to the foodservice industry in motion while helping our members build their businesses.

All of our programs and events are powered by committees. Whether it’s sourcing speakers, providing direction on study topics, identifying new training opportunities, or gathering insights to create new models and best practices—these groups serve numerous roles. Through insight sharing amongst peers and tackling issues as an industry, many members find that the more they contribute via committees, the more they get in return.

That’s why over 70% of member companies participate in one or more committees.

If you want to make the most of your membership and make an impact as a leading industry voice, consider joining a committee. This is a fantastic way to learn, share, and connect as you drive content benefiting the industry.
